TCS Company Verbal Ability Synonyms

like u have 31 ps, and tckt cost is between 1 to 31, u have to give the exact denominations for the ticket. find all the no of possible denominations u may prdict and u must be left wid atleast few paise...?

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TCS Other Question

20men and 20 women are there, they dance with each other, is there possibilty that 2 men are dancing with same women and vice versa. A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet-18 blue,32 red ,10 white , 25 yellow, 55 purple, 30 orange. The lights are out and it is totally dark. She can make out the difference between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the closet only if she is sure that it is a glove. How many gloves must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each color of blue, red, yellow?