KVPY Government Jobs Exams

Bacteria can survive by absorbing soluble nutrients via their outer body surface, but animals cannot, because
(A) Bacteria cannot ingest particles but animals can
(B) Bacteria have cell walls and animals do not
(C) Animals have too small a surface area per unit volume as compared to bacteria
(D) Animals cannot metabolize soluble nutrients

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KVPY Other Question

In 1670, Robert Boyle conducted an experiment where in he placed a viper (a poisonous snake) in a chamber
and rapidly reduced the pressure in that chamber. Which of the following would be true ?
(A) Gas bubbles developed in the tissues of the snake
(B) The basal metabolic rate of the snake increased tremendously
(C) The venom of the snake was found to decrease in potency
(D) The venom of the snake was found to increase in potency
A horse has 64 chromosomes and a donkey has 62. Mules result from crossing a horse and a donkey. State
which of the following is INCORRECT ?
(A) Mules can have either 64, 63 or 62 chromosomes
(B) Mules are infertile
(C) Mules have well defined gender (male/female)
(D) Mules have 63 chromosomes