KVPY Government Jobs Exams

If you dip a sack full of paddy seeds in water overnight and then keep it out for a couple of days, it feels
warm. What generates this heat ?
(A) Imbibation
(B) Exothermic reaction between water and seed coats
(C) Friction among seeds due to swelling
(D) Respiration

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KVPY Other Question

Conversion of the Bt protoxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis to its active form in the gut of the insects is
mediated by-
(A) acidic pH of the gut (B) alkaline pH of the gut
(C) lipid modification of the protein (D) cleavage by chymotrypsin
Restriction endonucleases are enzymes that cleave DNA molecules into smaller fragments. Which type of
bond do they act on ?
(A) N-glycosidic Bond (B) Hydrogen bond
(C) Phosphodiester bond (D) Disulfide bond