Orkut Maths Puzzle

Q. My friend owns a horse-driven carriage. It was found that the fore wheels of the carriage make four more revolutions than the hind wheel in going 96 feet. However, it was also found that if the circumference of the fore wheel was 3/2 as great and of the hind wheel 4/3 as great, then the fore wheel would make only 2 revolutions more than hind wheel in going the same distance of 96 feet. Can you find the circumference of each wheel?

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Orkut Other Question

Q. How many times does a coin rotate in rolling completely about another coin, of the same size, without slipping? Q. In a game, the 1st person tosses a coin. If the outcome is head, he throws a dice and the result is recorded as his score and he gets one more chance to toss the coin. If the outcome is tail then the next person gets a chance to toss the coin. What is the probability that a person scores 35 points after 6 tosses in this game?

a) (1/32)(1/6)^5
b) (1/32)(1/6)^6
c) (1/64) (1/6)^6
d) (1/64) (1/6)^5