A decapeptide (Mol. Wt. 796) on complete hydrolysis gives glycine (Mol. Wt. 75), alanine and
phenylalanine. Glycine contributes 47.0% to the total weight of the hydrolysed products. The number of
glycine units present in the decapeptide is

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IIT-JEE Other Question

The correct statement(s) pertaining to the adsorption of a gas on a solid surface is (are)
(A) Adsorption is always exothermic
(B) Physisorption may transform into chemisorption at high temperature
(C) Physiosorption increases with increasing temperature but chemisorption decreases with increasing
(D) Chemisorption is more exothermic than physisorption, however it is very slow due to higher energy of
The difference in the oxidation numbers of the two types of sulphur atoms in Na2S4O6 is