A metallic rod of length 'l ' is tied to a string of
length 2l and made to rotate with angular speed ω
on a horizontal table with one end of the string
fixed. If there is a vertical magnetic field 'B' in the
region, the e.m.f. induced across the ends of the
rod is -

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IIT-JEE Other Question

Two coherent point sources S1 and S2 are
separated by a small distance 'd'..The
fringes obtained on the screen will be -

(1) semi-circles (2) concentric circles
(3) points (4) straight lines
Statement-I : Higher the range, greater is the
resistance of ammeter.
Statement-II : To increase the range of ammeter,
additional shunt needs to be used across it.
(1) If statement-I is true but statement-II is false.
(2) If statement-I is false but statement-II is true.
(3) If both statement-I and statement-II are true,
and statement-II is the correct explanation of
(4) If both statement-I and statement-II are true but
statement-II is not the correct explanation of