CAT Exam

You have not lived a perfect day, even though you have earned your money, _____ who will never be able to repay you.
(1) though you have done something for someone
(2) unless you have done something for someone
(3) whenever and wherever possible doing something for someone
(4) unless you have done nothing for someone

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CAT Other Question

There are times when not all of us have umbrellas to walk under; those are the times when we need people who are willing to lend _____.
(1) their umbrellas for a wet stranger on a rainy day
(2) his umbrella to a wet stranger on a rainy day
(3) their umbrellas to a wet stranger on a rainy day
(4) their umbrellas to a wet stranger in a rainy day
In a workplace, just as a _____ tradition ought to be followed to ensure that people of any religion or no religion are not made to feel uncomfortable or out of place, there should also be an atmosphere where women can feel safe and respected and not just _____because of their gender.

(1) religious . . . reprimanded
(2) spiritual . . . discriminated
(3) secular . . . venerated
(4) neutral . . . victorious