CAT Exam

Women employed in the lower rungs of an organization are far more _____ to harassment from their male counterparts than women who are in powerful posts, of whom the numbers are still _____ but growing.

(1) prone . . . alarming
(2) susceptible . . . a minuscule
(3) vulnerable . . . enormous
(4) subjected . . . extraordinary

Read Solution (Total 1)

CAT Other Question

In a workplace, just as a _____ tradition ought to be followed to ensure that people of any religion or no religion are not made to feel uncomfortable or out of place, there should also be an atmosphere where women can feel safe and respected and not just _____because of their gender.

(1) religious . . . reprimanded
(2) spiritual . . . discriminated
(3) secular . . . venerated
(4) neutral . . . victorious
_____ is like a magic word, which fuels the urge to do better and makes us _____ to achieve the highest possible honours.

(1) Motivation . . . strive
(2) Appreciation . . . slog
(3) Criticism . . . responsible
(4) Imagination . . . struggle