C Programming and Technical

Q. What is far pointer?

A. The pointer which can point or access whole the residence memory of RAM i.e. which can access all 16 segments is known as far pointer

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C Other Question

Q. What is self referential structure ?

A. A self-referential structure is one of the data structures which refer to the pointer to (points) to another structure of the same type.
Q. What is pascal and cdecl keyword in c language?

A. There are two types of parameters passing conventions in c:
1. pascal: In this style function name should (not necessary ) in the uppercase .First parameter of function call is passed to the first parameter of function definition and so on.
2. cdecl: In this style function name can be both in the upper case or lower case. First parameter of function call is passed to the last parameter of function definition. It is default parameter passing convention