Capgemini Company Verbal Ability Sentence Completion

Fill in the blanks:

The argument that the need for a new monetary policy to ...demand outweighs the need to ...budget deficits its persuasive.

A. Assess, minimize

B. Outstrip, eliminate

C. Stimulate, control

D. Restraint, Conceal

Read Solution (Total 11)

Capgemini Other Question

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:

The .and hypnotically soothing voice chanting from Vedas .over a flood of old memories.

A. Euphonious ..glided

B. Dulcet.floated

C. Tuneful.drifted

D. Melodious.wafted
The following question contain three sets each of three sentences of which none/one/two/all may be incorrect. Which of them are incorrect?

1. Even though the newly developed seed did bring in a better crop, the farmers were not specious about the next year.
2. It is easy to explain the preference of aficionados of coffee to Robusta over Arabica.
3. The 'Padmashri' was a handsome reward to the distinguished scientist who had worked tiresomely for developing an electronic device for keeping pests away.

A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 3

C. 1 and 3

D. None