Infosys Company Numerical Ability Permutation and Combination

you are given 3 bags and each contain fruits(no: not given). One contains only Mangoes , one contain only Apples and the third contains mixed (apples & mangoes)fruits.You have to take only 1 fruit and from any 1 bag (randomly) and predict about all 3 bags,(which contains apples,mangoes and mixed ?

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Infosys Other Question

There are a number of cuffs and collar pieces which belong to freddy and charlie. there total is 30. freddy and charlie gave all of them to the laundry. freddy collects half the number of cuffs and one-third the number of collars and pays his share of 27 cents. 4cuffs costs 5collars.now tell how much did charlie xyz+AB =CDEF and xyz-AB=BGA