TCS Company

There are 30 beer bottle nd one is poisoned. we have mice who will die after 14 hrs after drinking poisned beer. In 24 hrs we have to find poisoned beer bottle. How many no of mice we require to find out poisoned bottle.

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TCS Other Question

A person run from A to B. He took ΒΌ of the time less to reach B when compare to run at normal Speed.Then how many percentage he has increased his speed?
a) 40 b) 44.4 c) 33.3 d) 22.2
. In a building there are 5 rooms. Each having a equal area .The length of the room is 4m and breadth is 5 m. The height of the rooms are 2m. If 17 bricks are needed to make a square meter then how many bricks are needed to make the floor of a particular room?
a) 320 b) 380 c) 340 d) 300