Orkut Maths Puzzle

In a book, there are 100 pages (on 50 leaves) numbered from 1 to 100.
Some pages are missing in the book.

Sum of page numbers of available pages is 4949.

Can you find out how many leaves are missing from book?

Can u give missing page numbers?

Read Solution (Total 2)

Orkut Other Question

The railroad bridge across the Futile Mire has a northbound track and a southbound track. The tracks are parallel and exactly 2 miles long. Anyone attempting to cross the bridge on foot must stay between the rails on the chosen track. It is not possible to step outside the rails or to jump to the other track.
One day Tom and Sue try to walk across the bridge, Tom heading north on the northbound track, and Sue heading south on the southbound track. The athletic Sue can run twice as fast as the portly Tom. All trains run at the same constant speed.
When Tom and Sue are 1 mile apart they both hear trains whistles behind them. Trains are approaching on both tracks. Tom and Sue can just escape by running to either end of the bridge. How far is each train from the tunnel?
There are 12 flowers of same colour and 3 flowers of another colour. How many different garlands are possible.