Infosys Company Verbal Ability Antonyms

Q. The names of the inhabitants of Walkie Talkie Land sound strange to the visitors, and they find it difficult to pronounce them, due to their length and a few vowel sounds they contain. The Walkie Talkie guide is discussing the names of four inhabitants – A,B,C and D. Their names each contain upto eight syllables, although none of the four names contain the same number. Two of the names contain no vowel sounds; one contains one vowel sound; and one contains two vowel sounds. From the Guide's statements below, determine the number of syllables and vowel sounds in each of the four Walkie Talkie names:-
i) The one whose name contains two vowel sounds is not A.
ii) C's name does not contain more than one vowel sound or fewer than seven syllables.
iii) The name with seven syllables does not contain exactly one vowel sound.
iv) B and C do not have names with the same number of vowel sounds.
v) Neither the name with five syllables nor the name with seven syllables contains more than one vowel sound.
vi) Neither the name with six syllables, nor the B's name, contains two vowel sounds.

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Infosys Other Question

Q. The Jones have named their four boys after favorite relatives; their friends, the Smiths, have done the same thing with their three boys. One of the families has twin boys. From the following clues, can you determine the families of all seven children and their ages?
i) Valentine is 4 years older than his twin brothers.
ii) Winston, who is 8, and Benedict are not brothers. They are each named after a grandfather.
iii) Briscoe is two years younger than his brother Hamilton, But three years older than Dewey.
iv) Decatur is 10 years old.
v) Benedict is 3 years younger than Valentine; they are not related.
vi) The twins are named for uncles.
Q. Two identical twins have a very unusual characteristic. One tells nothing but lies on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and tells nothing but the truth all other days. The other tells nothing but lies on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and tells nothing but the truth all other days. On Sundays both children speak the truth.