Infosys Company Verbal Ability Antonyms

Q. Assume that the twins followed a different set of rules, so that on a given day both told only the truth while next day both only lied, alternating days of truth telling and lying. Under these rules,which of the following conversations would be possible?
a) Twin A : "Today you are a lier"
Twin B : "That is correct"
b) Twin A : "Today you are a lier"
Twin B : "That is not so"
c) Twin A : "Tommorow we will be liers"
Twin B : "Yesterday we were truthtellers"
d) Twin A : "Tommorow we will be liers"
Twin B : "You are 1 year older than I am"
e) Twin A : "We always tell the truth"
Twin B : "We some times tell the truth"

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Infosys Other Question

Q. According to the information presented, which of the following conversations will be impossible.
a)Twin A : "Today you are a lier"
Twin B : "You are telling the truth"
b)Twin A : "Today you are a lier"
Twin B : "Today I am a truth teller"
c)Twin A : "Tommorow I shall be a lier"
Twin B : "That's correct"
d)Twin A : "Tommorow you will be a lier"
Twin B : "Today you are a truthteller"
e)Twin A : "Yesterday we were both truthtellers"
Twin B : "You are lying".
Q. If the twins are heard saying the following on the same day, which choice presents a correct statement ?
Twin A : "It is Sunday Today"
Twin B : "Yesterday was Sunday"
Twin A : "it is summer season now"
a) it is a summer sunday.
b) it is a summer monday.
c) it is Monday but not summer.
d) it is Sunday but not summer.
e) it is impossible to determine whether it is Sunday or Monday.