Infosys Company Verbal Ability Antonyms

Q. There are 4 mothers, 4 daughters and the colour of their dresses, and they are aged 1, 2,
3 & 4. Details of the dresses are given & then it asked about the remaining dresses.

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Infosys Other Question

Q. T, U, V are 3 friends digging groups in fields. If T & U can complete i groove in 4 days &, U & V can complete 1 groove in 3 days & V & T can complete in 2 days. Find how many days each takes to complete 1 groove individually Q. 5 student A, B, C, D, E. One student knows 5 languages. Like that up to one langauge.
a) Spanish is most popular langauge.
b) 3 persons knows Porchigese.
c) B & C normally speak English, but when D gathered, they switched to Spanish because that
is only common between the three.
a) Only langauge common between A, B, E is French.
b) Only langauge common between C & E is Italian