Infosys Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

Q. Two identical trains, at the equator start travelling round the world in opposite directions. They start together, run at the same speed and are on different tracks. Which train will wear out its wheel treads first

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Infosys Other Question

Q. 5 student A, B, C, D, E. One student knows 5 languages. Like that up to one langauge.
a) Spanish is most popular langauge.
b) 3 persons knows Porchigese.
c) B & C normally speak English, but when D gathered, they switched to Spanish because that
is only common between the three.
a) Only langauge common between A, B, E is French.
b) Only langauge common between C & E is Italian
Q. There are 6561 balls out of them 1 is heavy.find the minimum no of times the balls have to be weighted for finding out heavy ball