Numerical Ability
Data Sufficiency
Q. Mr. x and Mrs x goes for shopping. Mr. x got a cap and a suit for Rs.15. Mrs. x got a cap a dress for her. The cost of the Mr. x cap was one ruppee more than mrs. x dress. if we consider that the hat of mrs and Mr x were in the ratio 1.5:1, then the total amount by each on was same.
1. find the cost of Mr. x hat.
2. find the total cost spent by the couple.
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- It is a general principle that agreements which are enforceable by law are contracts. 'Enforceable by law' here means that parties to the contract will have remedies in the court of law in case of any breach.
It was held in a famous case Balfour vs Balfour that there is a rebuttable presumption i.e. an assumption made by a court that is taken to be true unless someone comes forward to contest it and prove otherwise, against an intention to create a legally enforceable agreement when the agreement is domestic in nature.
In the present case too, there is a domestic agreement between a husband(X) and his wife (Y) and it is a usual presumption in this type of case that the parties did not intend to create a legal relatioship adn hence the wife will not succeed. - 8 Months agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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