Infosys Company Logical Reasoning Coding Decoding

Q. There ia truck which should reach some place at 11'o clock , if it travels with 30 mph it reaches i hour before, if it travles with 20 mph it reaches 1 hour late. what is the distance it must be travlled and what is the speed it must maintain to rech at exact time?

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Infosys Other Question

Q. 5 persons R,S,T,U,V are contesting for a medal. Evaluation is over English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Hindi. Toper will get 5 marks, least will get 1 mark. No ties any where. R get 24 and won the overall medal. V gets first in Chemistry and third in Hindi, T got consistent scores in 4 subjects. Their final standings where in the alphabetical order. What was the score of S in Chemistry. Q. If a tank contains amoeba which gets doubled every minute and the tank fills up in 32 mins. then after how much time the tank wld be 1/8 full.