Numerical Ability
Q. A kid goes to a bank with a checque... Comes back and says he spent 35 cents .. his mom says you have brought back twice what u ver supposed to get. What happened is the novice bank clerk gave dollars for cents and vice-versa(quote silly) anway... What was the actual amount??
Read Solution (Total 1)
- total number of apples = 32
less:apples ABCD(1+2+3+4) = 10
balance left which
are hold by sisters = 22
A 1 * 4times 4
B 2 * 3 times (2*2*2) 8
C 3 * 2 times (3*3) 9
D 4 * 1 time 4
B's sister is G
C's sister is F
D's sister is E - 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(0)
3i-Infotech Other Question
Q. A complex statement - about an aeroplane comming late. "The boy says if it was 6 hours later, the waiting time would be 1/5th of the time if the plane had come 2 hours earlier instead. the plane is supposed to come at midnight
Q. A,B,C,D are four girls who have 1,2,3,4 apples with them respectively. If E have apples equal to his sister,F have twice the apples as his sister,G have thrice the apples than his sister and I have four times the apples than my sister.All together we have 32 apples. A,B,C,D are the sisters of whom and whom?