Infosys Company Numerical Ability Area and Volume

Q. A card board of 34 * 14 has to be attached to a wooden box and a total of 35 pins are to be used on the each side of the cardbox. Find the total number of pins used .

Read Solution (Total 9)

Infosys Other Question

Q. Select the best word/phrase/line to complete each sentence in the most appropriate manner

Q1) ‘Reema’s bad-mouthing Peter only because she is jealous of him.’ Means______________
a) Peter really is a nice person
b) Peter really is a mean person
c) Peter really is a difficult person
d) Peter really is a tough person

Q2) If some one is “gung ho”, they are_______
a) stupid
b) Childish
c) Enthusiastic
d) Loud

Q3) Mr. Hughes has been asked to___________ this difficult project because of his experience working for many years in Iran
a) undergo
b) understand
c) undervalue
d) undertake

Q4) ‘Stop talking to those angry men, you are just adding fuel to the fire’ is the same as________
a) Stop talking to those angry men, you are just coming in the way
b) Stop talking to those angry men, you are just making it worse
c) Stop talking to those angry men, you are just adding to the noise
d) Stop talking to those angry men, you are just talking too much

Q5) ‘Sudhir’s work is behind schedule – I think he bit more than he could chew’ is the same as________
a) Sudhir has taken too much of work
b) Sudhir takes very long breaks
c) Sudhir does not know how to do the work
d) Sudhir is a lazy person

Q6) There are many__________ to our rules, and I do not think that’s fair.
a) examples
b) exceptions
c) instances
d) provisions
Exercise 7:
Choose the correct / most appropriate word/s to fill in the gap in the sentences given below.

Q7) I didn’t set _________ to do this but I’m pleased with the result.
a) in
b) out
c) on
d) down

Q8) This looks too heavy,______________ pick it up?
a) Can I
b) may I
c) need I
d) would I

Q9) I am glad so many people have passed the test. In fact, there were_________ who haven’t.
a) little
b) a little
c) few
d) a few

Q10) Pope John Paul II ___________ more than 90 countries.
a) has visited
b) was visited
c) visits
d) has been visiting

Q11) I _____________ Carl since I ______________ a little child.
a) have known, have been
b) have known, was
c) knew, have been
d) knew, was

Q12) I wonder if _____________ will show up at the meeting?
a) someone
b) anyone
c) one
d) everyone

Q13) Have you given up______________.
a) to smoke
b) smoke
c) some smoking
d) smoking
1 2 3 4
+ 3 4 5 5
4 6 8 9
- 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 4
+ 1 2 5 4
3 6 9 8

Q) Strike off any digit from each number in seven rows (need not be at same place) and combine the same operations with 3 digit numbers to get the same addition. After this strike off another digit from all and add all the No.s to get the same 2 digit No. perform the same
process again with 1 digit No.s. Give the ' no.s in 7 rows at each stage.