Find the sum of 4 digit numbers which are made by 1,2,5,6
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- (n-1)!(1111....)(sum of digits)
93324 - 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(44) No(0)
- (n-1)!(sum of digits...n)*(1111.....n)
93324 - 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(6) No(0)
- 1+2+5+6=14.The sum will appear 6 times for the unit,tenth,hundred and thousand digits,so the total sum will be 6*14(1000+100+10+1)=93.324
- 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(4) No(1)
- (n-1)!(1111)*(sum of digits)
93324 - 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(4) No(0)
- Number of digits:- 1,2,5,6. All digits r made by hem. So sum of digits are 14.
Now we have to find out the how many numbers made by using these digits.
By starting with 6 digit number we can made 6 different numbers(6521,6512,6251,6215,6152,6125)..
By starting 5 num we can also create 6 numbers.
By starting 2- we can create 6 numbers.
By starting 1- 6 numbers also.
So total numbers created by 4 digits is:- 24.
Here all numbers are the same digit made by 1256. and its sum is 14.
so sum of all 4 digit numbers is:- 14*24=336 ANS... - 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(11)
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