Infosys Company Numerical Ability Probability

There are 1000 junior and 800 senior students in a class.And there are 60 sibling pairs where each pair has 1 junior and 1 senior.1 student is chosen from senior and 1 from junior randomly.What is the probability that the two selected students are from a sibling pair?

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Infosys Other Question

then use + or - in place of ? and take + as m,- as n then find value of m-n

Questions: Identify the correct sentence.

1. 1. There was a big explosion that shook the windows and people ran into the street.
2. There was a big explosion that made people run into the street and shake windows.
3. There was a big explosion that shook the windows and made people run into the street.
4. The big explosion shook the windows and people ran into the street.