Infosys Company Verbal Ability Miscellaneous

1.When the hurricane was finished they emerged from their shelter to survey the damage.
2.When the hurricane had departed they emerged from their shelter to survey the damage.
3.When the hurricane was done with they emerged from their shelter to survey the damage.
4.When the hurricane was over they emerged from their shelter to survey the damage.

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Infosys Other Question

1.A patient had a National Health Service hernia operation without anaesthetic, relying on hypnosis to withstand pain.
2.Relying on hypnosis to withstand pain a patient was operated by National Health Service hernia operation.
3.A National Health Service hernia operation was done on a patient without anaesthetic, relying on hypnosis to withstand pain.
4.Without anaesthetic, relying on hypnosis to relieve pain a National Health Service hernia operation was done on a patient.
Q. A necklace of diamonds, presented by friends of the bride, were among the presents on view.
1.Were among the presents in view
2.Was among the presents on view
3.is with the presents on view
4.are among the presents on view