Infosys Company Verbal Ability Miscellaneous

1.Can you tell me when the next bus is expected?
2.Can you tell me when is the next bus expected?
3.Could you tell me when to expect the new bus?
4.when the next bus is expected you can tell me?

Read Solution (Total 12)

Infosys Other Question

Q. Sum of all 120 numbers formed by using 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, and 4 is?
1) 35555516
2) 35555520
3) 45555516
4) 34555606
5) 45555520
6) 45555506
7) 34562816
8) 48355520
9) 48355516
10) None of these
1.Education worldwide becomes the much discussed subject,as it deals about moulding
the minds of the people.
2.Worldwide,education has become a much discussed subject,so it deals with moulding
the peoples'minds.
3.Education has become a much discussed subject worldwide,as it deals with moulding
the minds of the people.
4.As it deals in moulding the minds of worldwide peoples,education has become a much discussed