Infosys Company Numerical Ability Number System

any one of you attending virtusa off-campus drive at mallareddy engineering,hyderabad.do i need to have hallticket to attend that drive or no need?please reply..its too urgent for me

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Infosys Other Question

Q. Olympic Race: 4 Contestants: Alan, Charlie, Darren, And Brain. There Are Two Races And Average Is Taken To Decide The Winner. One Person Comes At The Same Position In Both The Race. Charlie Always Come Before Darren. Brian Comes First Once. Alan Comes Third Atleast Once. Find The Positions. Alan Never Comes Last. Charlie & Darren
Comes 2nd Atleast Once.
hi guys those who appeared for infosys apti at Dayanand Sagar Institute on 1st feb at 2:30 pm could you please tell me about that puzzle ?and from which book it came?what I remembered ........some couples were there and some ordered items were there.....please post about that puzzle who cleared the written....plz.Again,to clear the infosys puzzle what should i study?