CMAT Maths Puzzle Logical Reasoning

If the alphabet series is written in the manner AZBYCX ... and so on, what will be the fifth letter to the right of fifteenth letter from the left?
(a) S
(b) J
(c) P
(d) Q

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CMAT Other Question

In a row of children facing North, Shweta is fifteenth from the left end and Jyoti is third to the left of Shweta. Ram, who is seventh to the right of Jyoti, is fifth from the right end. What is Shweta’s position from the right end?
(a) 12th
(b) 10th
(c) 8th
(d) 9th
Four girls – A, B, C and D – are sitting in a circle facing the center. B and C are facing each other. Which of the following is definitely true?
(a) A is to the left of C
(b) D is to the left of C
(c) A and D are facing each other
(d) A is not between B and C