M4maths Maths Puzzle Programming Program

In a company there are 2/6 java programmer, 1/2 programmers knows c++ and 1/5 programmer doesn't know anything. Then find the fraction of programmers who knows java and c++ both.

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M4maths Other Question

Q. A cylinder of radius and height both equal to 10 cm. made by paper is unfolded to form a plane sheet of paper. If circumference of a circle is 2*Pi*R, then area of plane paper sheet is-

1) 100 Pi
2) 400 Pi
3) 300 Pi
4) 200 Pi
5) 20 Pi
6) 10 Pi
7) 40 Pi
8) 2 Pi
9) 5 Pi
10)None of these
There is a cake which is divided into two sub-cake.One part of sub-cake is further divided into 5 sub parts each weighing 12gm.there total of six pieces . What was the initial weight of the cake before division?