accenture Interview Numerical Ability Probability

There are 76 people residing in a colony. 53 can read Hindu, 46 can read Times, 39 can read Deccan, 15 can read all. If 22 can read Hindu and Deccan, 23 can read Deccan and Times, then what is the number of persons who can read only Times and Hindu?

Read Solution (Total 12)

accenture Other Question

A CAR HAS RUNS 10000 MILES USING 5 TYRES INTERCHANGABLY TO HAVE A EQUAL WORNOUT BY ALL TYRES HOW MANY MILES EACH TYRE SHOULD HAVE RUN integer a = 984, b, c, d =10 print remainder(a,d) // remainder when a is divided by d a = a/d print remainder(a,d) // remainder when a is divided by d