Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Time and Work

Dhoni when hits a boundary he swings his bat. When he hits a boundary he swing his bat 4 time and when he hits a six he swings his bat 7 time .when he hit 2 boundary he swing his bat for both the boundary i.e. say he hits a four first then he swings 4 time. Next when he hits a six or four he swings his bat 4+7(for six) 4+4(for four),and so on.so for 3 boundary say 4,6,4 he swings 4,4+7,4+7+4 numbers of times. In total he swings 4+4+7+4+7+4 number of time. 1) dhoni swings his bat for 99 times, find out number of way he can hit boundary.

Read Solution (Total 13)

Elitmus Other Question

Ratio of boys to girls 4:5 , when 100 girls leave the school the ratio becomes 6:7 . How many boys are there ?
a) 1600
b) 1200
c) 600
d) 800