IBM Company Verbal Ability Spotting Errors

Which is in the correct sense??

(A) This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrive by spirit.
(B) This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrives by spirit.
(C) This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrived by spirit.

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IBM Other Question

What is the next number of the following sequence

1)5 6 3 78 3 9 10

2)6 12 6 13 7 12 7 13 8

3)16 21 25 28

4)20 25 26 22 29 30 24

5) 13 17 29 14 18 28 15 19
The mileage of a old truck is 14 km/ltr, when he purchased a new truck then mileage of new truck is 16km/ltr, when he purchased a old van then its mileage is 9km/ltr and new van its mileage is 13 km/ltr. Now company travelled 13000km. Then how uch litre company saves per year