Others Maths Puzzle

we can use 8 number in eight time we got the result is 1000.

Read Solution (Total 4)

Others Other Question

I have 19 coins in my pocket which total Rs 1.00. You have 15 coins in yours that also total Rs 1.00. Yet you have more 5 p, , 10 p and 25 p coins than I do. What coins do each of us have? ( All coins are 1 p, 5 p, 10 p,25 p, 50 p.) .
Pls don't say that small coins are no more in use now.
1.Two mercants sold a good of worth Rs 1000 from which one merchant A got profit from selling prices and merchant B got profit form cost price and profit for both is 25% what is difference amount.?

2.5lts solution bottle contains 4 lts of solution filled with 15 % of salt is mixed,1.5 lts solution is fell out and it is filled with water how much of salt content is present..?
3.Square of 21 cms and bull was tied at corner with rope of 7 cms how much area it can graze...
4.A and B can do a work 15 and 20 days respectively form which A as done half of the work and then b joind then it done 1/20th work how much many days in which a complted work which left by B.