Miscellaneous Company Exam Company Logical Reasoning

if ELECTRICITY - GAS =100 then JACK - JILL =?

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Miscellaneous Company Exam Other Question

Is the meaning of Client and Customer,
(a) same
(b) contradictory
(c) no relation
There are 5 persons, they have assigned their designations based on their age, they are given 100 gold coins, the person with highest designation distributes coins among themselves. After distribution all of them have to vote against or vote for the person who distributes the coins based on whether they have satisfied with the coins they got. If 3 or more votes r against him (person who distributes the coins votes for himself) they that person would be killed, and the person with 2nd highest designation will again redistributes the coins, so on. So the person with highest designation has to make sure that he will survive and he will get more coins than anybody else, so how will he distributes the coins?