Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Number System

There is a 7 digit number X in which the units digit and the first digit is divisible by 4. The middle digit is divisible by 3. A number X' is formed by reversing the digits of the number X (eg. If X=1234567 the X' =7654321). Y=X-X'. What is the remainder when Y is divided by 18.
a)R < 3 b)3

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Elitmus Other Question

Mr. X takes 30 seconds to go up by using "moving up" escalator and takes 120 seconds to come down using "moving up" escalator. Find the tome to move up when the escalator is standstill. A trader uses a 110 cm scale while buying cloth and uses 90 cm scale while selling the cloth. He further provides 10% discount to cost price. What is his overall profit percentage?