Maths Puzzle
Numerical Ability
If all letters of MATHS were rearranged to form different words possible. Then in dictionary order, rank of MATHS would be-
Read Solution (Total 2)
First arrange the letters in alphabetical order --> AHMST
No. of words starting with "A" => A(----) => 4! = 24
No. of words starting with "H" => H(----) => 4! = 24
So total words = 24+24 = 48
Next letter to start ll be "M"
First word M---- => arrange the remaining letters in alph. order
MAH(--) => 2! = 2 [includes, MAHST, MAHTS]
MAS(--) => 2! = 2 [includes, MASHT, MASTH]
So Total no. of words before MATHS ll be => 48 + 2 + 2 = 52
So 53rd word ll be MATHS
So 54th word ll be MATSH
So rank of MATHS ll be = 53
Ans : 53 - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(21) No(0)
- 53
rank of MATHS = 4!+ 4! +2+2+1 = 53 - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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