Elitmus Exam Logical Reasoning Cryptography


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Elitmus Other Question

Q. How many nos. are there within 500 which has exactly 24 factors.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
d) 0
What will be the Difference between the cost of 12 Cows and 36 Goats?

(1). The cost of 12 Cows and 36 Goats is Rs 1200.
(2). If the cost of cows is doubled, then Cost of 12Cows will be Equal to 72 Goats.

A- Can be answered using one of the statements but not the other.
B- Can be answered using either statements alone.
C- Can be ans using both statment together but cannot be answered using either statement alone.
D- Cannot be ans even using both statment together.