Infosys Company Logical Reasoning General Mental Ability

Gautam passes through seven lane to reach his school. He finds that YELLOW lane is betn his house and KAMA lane. The third lane from his school is APPLE lane. PEACOCK lane is immediately before the PARK lane. He passes ASH lane at the end. KAMA lane is betn YELLOW lane and PEACOCK lane. The sixth lane from his house is RAO lane.

1. How many lane are there betn KAMA lane and Rao lane?
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four

2. After passing the park lane how many lane does gautam cross to reach the school.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

3. After passing the YELLOW lane how many lane does gautam cross to reach the school.
a) 4
b) 6
c) 2
d) 1

4. Which lane is betn PARK lane and RAO lane
a) yellow lane
b) kama lane
c) apple lane
d) peacock lane

5. If the house of gautam,each lane and his school are equidistant and he takes 2 min to pass one lane then how long will he take to reach school from his house
a) 18 min
b) 16 min
c) 14 min
d) 12 min

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