Book Maths Puzzle Profit and Loss

Tom and Jan together earn $84,326 per year. If Tom earns 12,468 more per year than Jan, then how much does each of them earn per year?

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Book Other Question

In a college, some courses contribute more towards an overall GPA than other courses. For example, a science class is worth 4 points; History is worth 2 points; Math is worth 3 points; and English is worth 3 points. The values of the grade letters are as follows, A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. What is the GPA of a student who made a "c" in Trigonometry, a "B" in American History, an "A" in Botany, and a "B" in Microbiology? A truck full of gravel averages 38mph on the way to the job site. On the return the empty truck averages 50mph. Total travel time averages 38 min. How far is it to the job site?