Syntel Company Logical Reasoning General Mental Ability

The following are the details of the score of 5 students in 5 Subjects – Hindi, Maths, English, Science and Social Science. The maximum marks of the test in each of these subjects is 20. The highest scorer scored a total of 90 marks in all subjects put together. Mala got 13 in Maths and Miralini 10 in Science. Malathi’s total was less than Mala’s. Malini is one of these 5 students. Madhuri got as many marks as Miralini. None got 20 marks in any subject. Who scored the highest total in all these subjects put together?
a) Malini
b) Madhuri
c) Malathi
d) Miralini

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Syntel Other Question

A sentence is broken up into four parts sequentially. Choose the part that has an error.

felt badly about
losing all his crop
The farmer
An article is sold at 12.5% profit. If it had been sold at 5% loss, the selling price would have been Rs.9.80 less. The cost price of the article is:
1. Rs.58
2. Rs.56
3. Rs.54
4. Rs.46