Book Maths Puzzle Time Distance and Speed

I actually have two, but they are similar.

Problem A: Candice and Pat walked to the site in 9 hours. The next morning they jogged home in 3 hours. How far did they jog if they jogged 4 miles per hour faster than they walked?

Problem B: On Monday, Voltaire drove to town at 60 miles per hour. On Tuesday, he drove to town at 40 miles per hour. If the total travelling time for both trips was 15 hours, how far was it to town?

Thanks so much!

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Book Other Question

Can you please convert the following strengths to percentage
1g in 25ml
1g in 90ml
1 in 750
1 in 10,000
A copy machine makes 33 copies per minute. How many copies does it make in 5 minute and 40 seconds?