Syntel Company Numerical Ability Time and Work

Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 4 hours and 5 hours respectively. If they are turned up alternatively for one hour each,then time taken to fill the tank is:
1. 2 hrs 15mins
2. 4 hrs 24mins
3. 5 hrs
4. 3 hrs

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Syntel Other Question

An article is sold at 12.5% profit. If it had been sold at 5% loss, the selling price would have been Rs.9.80 less. The cost price of the article is:
1. Rs.58
2. Rs.56
3. Rs.54
4. Rs.46
The number of students in a school kept changing every year.In the year 1999, the total number of students in the school was 1000.In the year 2000,it is increased by 20%.In 2001,it again increased by 20%, but in 2002,it decreased by 5%.Find the number of students in the school at the end of year 2002 :
1. 1300
2. 1368
3. 1400
4. 1638