Miscellaneous Company Exam Company

When I was married 10 years ago, my wife was the sixth member in the family. Today, my father died,
and a baby was born to me. The average age in my family today is what it was when I was married.
How old was my father when he died?
1. 50 years
2. 60 years
3. 70 years
4. Indeterminate

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Miscellaneous Company Exam Other Question

In a class, 30 students pass in English and 20 students in Math, while some students among these pass
in both. How many more students do only English as compared to those doing only Maths?
1. 10
2. 15
3. 20
4. Indeterminate
Five students, Alisha, Binoy, Carey, Dolphy and Elizabeth were comparing the scores each received
on a Math and an English test. The following was discovered that Alisha's English score was 80.
Alisha's Math score equals Elizabeth's English score. Elizabeth's Math score equals Alisha's English
score. Alisha's English score is 15 less than Elizabeth's English score. Dolphy's Math score is 20 more
than his English score and is 20 more than Carey's Math score. Dolphy's Math score is 40 more than
Binoy's English score. Carey's English score is 10 less than Binoy's English score. If Binoy's English
score is 60, what is Dolphy's English score?
1. 80
2. 70
3. 60
4. 50