Exam Maths Puzzle Area and Volume

A rhombus with a 24 cm diagonal has an area of 120 cm^2. Find the length of a side of the rhombus

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Exam Other Question

Q1. A teacher wants to write an ordered 5-question test from a pool of 8-questions. How many different forms forms of the test can the teacher write?

Q2. How many 5-number license plates can be made using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 if an odd digit must come first and repetitions are allowed? not allowed?

Q3. Suppose in Exercise 2 the license number must be odd. How would it be solved?

Q4. How would the number of pernutations of the letters of these words be found?

Q5. A player in a word game has the letters E, E, B, D, G, G , G. In how many ways can these letters be arranged?
A. 210
B. 1260
C. 840
D. 420

Q6. What is the number of permutations of six numbers on a spinner?

In how many ways can the 10 awimmers on an aquatic ballet team be arranged in a cirurlar pattern?
1. What is f(3) if f(x)=-5x^3+6x^2-x-4 ?

2. What is f(x+1) if f(x)=6x^3-3x^2+4x-9 ?

3. What is 3[f(x+2)] if f(x)=x^3+2x^2-4 ?

4. Use synthetic division to determine which