Exam Maths Puzzle Algebra

How do you solve polynomial equations such as:



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Solve for X,Y,and Z in the following systems of threme equations:

A) X+2Y+Z =6

B) 10X+Y+Z=12

C) 22X+5Y+7Z=12
Suppose Bob owns 8,000 shares of Company X and 6000 shares of Company Y. The Total value of Bob's holdings of these two companies is $680,000.

Suppose Frank owns 2,000 shares of Company X and 10000 shares of Company Y. The Total value of Franks holdings of theses two companies is $680,000.

a. Write equations for Bob and Frank's Holdings. Use the variables X and Y to represent the values of shares of Company X and Y.

b. Solve for the value of a share of Company X and Company Y.