Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Geometry

PQR is an right angle triangle (where P is not the greatest angle...sth like this).QD is the angle of bisector?
(i)R is 30 degree
(ii) hypotenuse PR IS 15cm
(a)Alone suff
(b)either one not suff
(c)Both Required
(d)Both not required
Answer the data suff...from set D.

Read Solution (Total 6)

Elitmus Other Question

There is a tank which gets continuous supply from a large tank.There are 10 outlets to the tanks which can empty the tank
in 2.5 hours after the tank is full.Provided that the supply to the tank is open during this period.Again if 6 outlet pipes are open it will take 5.5 hours to empty.How many time it will take to empty the tank if 3 pipes are open?
options:a)13 b)11 c)8.5 d)dont remember.
ABC is an equilateral triangle.A circle incsribed in it.Another small circle is inside such that BC and AC are tangents to it.
Find the ratio of area of two circles. Option not remembered.
Where is Rakesh plz solve this. There are two questions like this asked in todas exam.