A website Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Co-ordinate geometry

In a triangle XYZ, the lengths of the sides XY and XZ equal 17.5 cm and 9 cm respectively. Let W be a point on the line segment YZ such that YZ is perpendicular to XW. If XW = 3 cm, then what is the radius (in cm) of the circle circumscribing the triangle XYZ?

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A website Other Question

Find the probability distribution of number of doublets in three throws of a pair of
Q. All 26 letters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z in English alphabet are divided into 2 category
If one of the category contains A H M V Z ......etc
And other contains C G J O U ..........
Then which one of the following set contains all the letters of the same category