TCS Company Numerical Ability Number System

What is the unit’s digit of 213 *212*347*468*778 ?

Read Solution (Total 13)

TCS Other Question

What is the remainder when 617 + 1176 is divided by 7? There are 5 sweets – Jumun, Kulfi, Peda, Laddu and Jilabi that I wish to eat on 5 consecutive days – Monday through Friday, one sweet a day, based on the following self imposed constraints:
1) Laddu is not eaten on Monday
2) If Jamun is eaten on Monday, then Laddu must be eaten on Friday
3) If Laddu is eaten on Tuesday, Kulfi should be eaten on Monday
4) Peda is eaten the day following the day of eating Jilabi
Based on the above, peda can be eaten on any day except?
(a) Tuesday
(b) Monday
(c) Wednesday
(d) Friday