Vinsol Company Logical Reasoning General Mental Ability

There are 4 players A,B,C and D in a game with an initial amount. There 4 rounds of game. After first round, one player looses as such much that the other three players made twice their initial amount. After each round one looses and other 3 got twice amount than their previous round amount. After 4 rounds, each one of them have $64. What was the amount with which they started the game?

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If the code for MUMBAI is 5, code for COCHIN is 7, code for CHENNAI is 9, then what would be the code for CALCUTTA? A woman lives in a 36 floor building. There is a lift in that building. When she leaves her aprtment and goes to lift,there are 3 times chances lift will take her up than take her down(3:1,up:down)..On which floor she lives?