Accenture Company Logical Reasoning Coding Decoding

$***$ can be represented as:
A) $$$ / $*
B) $*$**- $$
C) $*$*$- $$
D) $$$***$ - $$

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Accenture Other Question

30^2 can be represented as:
A) ($$*$$ ) $*+ $*$*$$*$
B) ($$*$$ ) $* + $$****$
C) ( $$*$$ ) $$ + $*$****
D) ( $$*$$ ) $$ + $*$**$
In the following questions, the following letters indicate mathematical operations as indicated below: A: Addition V: Equal to S: Subtraction W:
Greater than M: Multiplication X: Less than D: Division Out of the four alternatives given in these questions, only one is coccect according to the above letter symbols. Identify the correct one.

See the options given below
A) 6 S 7 A 2 M 3 W 0 D 7
B) 6 A 7 S 2 M 3 W 0 A 7
C) 6 S 7 M 2 S 3 W 0 M 7
D) 6 M 7 S 2 A 3 X 0 D 7