self Company Logical Reasoning Decision Making and Problem Solving

having 27 balls one ball is less weight.all are looking similar.with simple balance find minimum number of times we need to weigh to know which ball is less weight??

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self Other Question

having 10 cigarette packets.9 packets having 10 gram cigarettes but in 1 packet 11 gram cigarettes are there.we are having digital weighing machine and need to weigh only one time.how to find which packet is having 11 gram cigaretts?? Imagine a square which has 4 corners and 4 edges. FOUR cats are there in all 4 edges, Rat enters the square in one corner and travels through edges , At each edge ,the hungry cat ate an X no. of rats , and remaining rats pass through next corner where each of rat gets doubled in number(if 2 rats enters ,4 rats leaves the corner) , then to next edge where the same X amount of rat is eaten and so on, twist is that Rat has to leave the square through same corner , but none left at the end!!! My queston is HOW MANY ENTERED THE SQUARE !, HOW MANY EQUAL NUMBER OF RATS ARE EATEN BY THE CATS ! (minimum possible value) remember that equal no. of rats are eaten by cats...... All the best